Klinghard Institute

Klinghardt Institute

We, the people, and all that lives, are in continuous osmotic exchange and communication with our environment. Whatever is in the environment shows up inside our body. It has become an ever-increasing task of our body’s innate detox mechanisms to keep the inner milieu reasonably clean against the overwhelming osmotic pressure of the intruding chemicals and toxins. B

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Muscle Testing: A Natural Way to Identify Nutritional Deficiencies and Emotional Blockages

Muscle Testing: A Natural Way to Identify Nutritional Deficiencies and Emotional Blockages

Ever feel like there’s something off about your health but can’t quite put your finger on it? Maybe…

Digging Deeper: Why Addressing Root Causes Is the Key to Long-Term Health

Digging Deeper: Why Addressing Root Causes Is the Key to Long-Term Health

Have you ever found yourself popping pain relievers for headaches, reaching for allergy meds to combat itchy eyes,…

Fend Off Colds and the Flu: How to Strengthen Your Immune Health This Winter

Fend Off Colds and the Flu: How to Strengthen Your Immune Health This Winter

After the leaves are gone and the cold weather takes over everything, you know what’s lurking just around…

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